Monday, May 4, 2015

Date 1: The Devil is in the Eggs

I wrapped up work for the day and decided to be wild! Crazy! Spontaneous! Rip off the band aid and hurtle head first into the dating pool! A mildly attractive man with interesting travel photos messaged me, said he was in midtown, so I agreed to meet for a drink. I loved the spontaneity of the circumstance; it didn't allow me the time to be nervous or to start planning my wedding as I am wont to do. I raced out of the office with a fresh slick of lipstick and a song in my heart- back in the game! A MAN thinks I am attractive because Tinder told me so! I walked quickly down to 36th and saw him across the street lurking in a doorway. He looked sloppy, icky, with a very pallid complexion. My hopeful nature put a glow on his pictures that didn't exist in real life. I greeted him and he explained that our original destination was simply too fancy, too loud, too bougie. Since I knew this meeting would go absolutely no where, I perversely was my kindest, easiest going self and agreed to look for a better spot. We agreed on a casual bar a couple blocks down, where I ordered a glass of wine, and he ordered deviled eggs. Generally I find food to be challenging on a date, particularly a first date, but deviled eggs were a spirited choice. When one is ordering a snack on a date, one should think of how said snack appears as they chew and speak simultaneously. As the conversation progressed, I thought of myself as a charitable woman, Saint Desperada, allowing strange mannerless men the time to speak, and nodding patiently in acceptance. I became an actress, and the small sticky table my stage. When the check came ("I will NOT be having another drink, thank you!") I whipped out cash, which he smoothly pocketed, and fairly ran down the street. Its always the icky ones who try and touch you and actually press lips to face, but I managed to squeak out in the nick of time.
Wine selection- MEDIOCRE
Deviled Eggs- BOLD CHOICE

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